Widening Participation:
Priority Postcode Checker Tool

Please enter your home postcode to check if you live in a priority postcode area. Your postcode is checked against the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD). SIMD classifies postcodes into one of five groups called 'quintiles'. Priority postcodes are those which are quintile 1 and 2. Information about the other eligibility criteria is available at gsa.ac.uk/wp

These postcodes are included in the Widening Participation scheme:

Unfortunately you do not live in a priority postcode area. You may meet one of the other eligibility criteria, please see gsa.ac.uk/wp.

Otherwise, please visit GSA Open Studio for information about other GSA courses which may be of interest to you.

You live in a quintile priority postcode area and therefore eligible to register with Widening Participation. Please complete the online registration form.